AA(F8)Audit Report各段落详解(附AA状元笔记)| ACCA Cloud
今天帮主邀请来Savannah老师为大家讲解Audit Report的知识,请大家认真学习吸收~
Audit Report各段落详解
by Savannah
上一期我们学习了有关audit opinion的知识点,审计师会根据不同的情况出具不同的审计意见。那么这一期我们接着来学习audit report中会包含的各个段落(paragraph)。
1. Key audit matters (KAMs) 关键审计事项段
首先需要大家记住的是KAMs是上市公司(listed company)的审计报告中一定要有的一个段落。
KAMs are those matters that, in the auditor’s professional juedgement, were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period. They are selected from matters communicated with those charged with governance.
1. 在做风险评估时,审计师识别出的一些重大错报漏报风险较高的区域
2. 一些包含重大的管理层判断的区域
3. 在会计期间中发生的重大事件或交易的影响
1. 为什么在KAM段落中的事件被认为是重要的
2. 审计师又是如何解决的此事件
2. Emphasis of matter paragraphs 强调事项段
首先要记住Emphasis of matter paragraphs只能出现在当审计意见是unmodified opinion时的审计报告中。
An emphasis of matter paragraph is a paragraph includud in the auditor’s report that refers to a matter appropriately presented or disclosed in the financial statements that, in the auditor’s judgement, is of such importance that it is fundamental to users’ understanding of the financial statements.
3. Other matter paragraphs 其他事项段
An other matter paragraph is a paragraph included in the auditor’s report that refers to a matter other than those presented or disclosed in the financial statements that, in the auditor’s judgement, is relevant to users’ understanding of the audit, the auditor’s responsibilities or the auditor’s report.
4. Other information 其他信息段
Other information refers to financial or non-financial information, other than the financial statements and auditor’s report thereon, included in the entity’s annual report that is not necessarily subject to audit.
5. Materiality uncertainty related to going concern paragraph
顾名思义,这个段落是当公司的going concern出现了重大的不确定性时会使用的段落。
当公司的going concern假设是恰当的,但是存在重大不确定时,先看公司是否对此情况进行了充足的披露:
1. 若公司进行了充足的披露,那么审计师依旧出具无保留意见(unqualified opinion),但是要单独加一个段落,即material uncertainty related to going concern paragraph
2. 若公司没有进行充足的披露,那么审计师要出具保留意见(qualified opinion)或否定一家(adverse opinion),根据情况是否是广泛的。
以上就是audit report中比较常见的5个段落,大家要学会区分五个段落各自的定义、目的及作用,再配合相关真题题目的练习,相信考试的时候遇到关于审计意见及报告的知识点会更加得心应手哦~