

  • 2016年03月09日 15:12 
  • 作者:高顿财经
  • 阅读:(155)
摘要:点击免费领取: ACCA学习资料大礼包 ACCA F1科目是ACCA的第二门科目也是相对比较简单的科目,即使是最简单的,但对于...


       ACCA F2科目是ACCA的第二门科目也是相对比较简单的科目,即使是最简单的,但对于ACCA初学者来说还是有一定困难的,下面就为大家总结一下ACCA F2考试攻略,其中包括F2考试特点,复习策略,学习过程中碰到的难点等内容,希望对各位考生学习ACCA提供帮助!

  ACCA F2考试攻略acca F2考试特点:
  第一, 理论结合应用,知识点可以各自独立出题,亦可以相互联结。
      ACCA F2考试攻略之acca f2复习策略:

  The F2 examiner revealed that the historic pass rate for this paper is 57% since 2007, so the 58% last time around was about right.
  Section A consists of 35 OT items worth two marks each. Section B has three multiple-task questions worth 10 marks each.
  The common areas of difficulty are calculation questions in general, number entry items, spreadsheet based questions, standard costing operating statements and net present value questions.
  The examiner felt that students needed to improve their exam technique for this paper. If he was teaching the paper-based exam he would advise them to do section B first. Students also needed to appreciate the levels of difficulty in section A. One approach would be to go through the OT and do all the easy ones, then go back and do the harder ones (keeping an eye on the clock at all times).
  To be successful in F2 students need to study the full syllabus and practise, practise, practise. The examiner felt it was vital candidates don’t miss the easy questions and, if necessary, they can guess.

  ACCA F2考试攻略ACCA F2学习过程中碰到的难点:
  难点就是知识点太多了前学后忘,要掌握的理论啊人名啊超多,F23知识点也不少,不过解决方法很简单,练习册后面的Mix Bank我觉得也是很好的唤醒记忆的方法,基本上复习课看完Mix Bank做完就觉得自己全记起来了,所以中间不用担心这个问题,认真跟着老师进度走就行了。当然如果有时间也可以边学边复习,效果肯定更好。
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