ACCA PM(F5)考前冲刺丨绩效评估大题挑选哪些数据作答能最快得分(下)
同学们可以先看看Jungle Co这道题的官方答案

要写成参考答案这样子,是不可能的,至少对于99.9%的PM中国考生来说,是不可能的,排除极少数考ACCA的雅思9分大神。ACCA官方也没有期盼大家写成标准答案的样子。以下这份Jungle Co的答案是官方technical article中所说的“good answer”.大家可以先看看:

15%increase in total revenue
This is a good sign.It shows that Jungle Co is selling more units because'prices are stable',and/or the new cloud service is expanding.But,we need a breakdown of revenue to understand this(see below).
32.7%increase in net margin
This is excellent sign.It’s linked to the lower cost of sales from Slabak imports and the launch of cloud computing,which is probably a higher-margin product(for example,no distribution costs for IT services).
60.5%increase in admin expenses
This is a problem because admin costs are usually fixed.This is linked to the big increase in customer service costs,which,in turn,is probably related to the lower quality of the new supplier which is causing more complaints(see below).
5.3%drop in household goods revenue
This is a worrying sign–it could be linked to the possible drop in quality from the Slabak imports.
28.3%change in electronic goods revenue
This is another positive signal.It shows that Jungle is outperforming the average market growth of 20%,which means they are gaining market share.
225%increase in late deliveries
This is a major problem.It‘s linked to the move to in-house logistics.Clearly Jungle Co can’t match the quality of the external,international suppliers.Jungle Co needs to address this as it threatens future growth of the business.
300%increase in%of customers who complain
This is another major problem.It’s linked to both the outsourcing of production to Slabak,and the move to in-house logistics(mentioned above).Clearly Jungle Co has serious internal process problems that will negatively affect their reputation.
We see mostly good news from the financial indicators:sales,margins,and profits are generally increasing.However,the non-financial information paints a different picture as we see serious problems emerging with Jungle Co’s quality and logistics.Jungle Co needs to address these issues if they want their financial success to continue in the long term.
首先,用你计算出来的改变量作为标题,比如“15%increase in total revenue”。
其次,给出你的意见,这个改变是好是坏?,比如“This is a good sign”,这个观点本身是不得分的,一定要解释原因,比如“It shows that Jungle Co is selling more units because'prices are stable',and/or the new cloud service is expanding.But,we need a breakdown of revenue to understand this(see below).”图解如下:

1)看calculation的分值,比如,Jungle Co计算7分,那就挑7个数据,正如”good answer”也只用了7个数据。
2)7个数据应该来自不同的绩效评估领域,比如:财务/非财务,生产成本/管理成本。如果有N种产品的收入成本数据细分,应该每种产品挑一两个数据。例如,“good answer”中挑选的7个指标都是分布在以上各个领域当中的。因为考试评分是按照各个评估的领域来给分的,比如“一个领域最高4分”,所以,这种方式可以帮助“求过”的同学尽可能多拿分数。对于大神级别的同学,请逐个数据一一作答,毕竟,你背负着老师和同学的希望。
对于文章最后的conclusion,同学们可用两句话总结之前计算的数据,如“good answer”中的“overall,…”。
最后再说一些考试的评分标准,ACCA考试适用“own figure rule”,也就是说,如果你某一步的计算错误是由于之前的数据算错了导致的,这一步不会扣分,只会扣最开始算出错那一步的分,所以,宝宝们不要浪费时间在检查数据上,即便你觉得自己算错了,就用错的数据进行讨论吧,我相信大多数人考试时间是很紧张的。对于超能宝宝,时间很多,想拿满分,那就一定要好好检查!
最后的最后,在PM考试中,1.8分钟拿一分,Part C大题20分一道,也就是36分钟。大家一定要规划好时间哟。
这篇文章的部分信息基于Steve Willis发布于ACCA官网的technical article,希望能给同学们一些做题的启发。祝大家逢考必过,早日脱坑哟!