
ACCA新科目SBL新professional skills marks考法与得分技巧详解(下)

  • 2016年10月21日 10:43 
  • 作者:高顿财经
  • 阅读:(84)
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摘要:ACCA 新科目SBL(Strategic Business Leader战略商业领袖) 新professional skills marks考法与得分技巧详解(下) 适用于2018年9月考...
ACCA 新科目SBL(Strategic Business Leader战略商业领袖)
新professional skills marks考法与得分技巧详解(下)
Q1中4个问题涉及的professional skills的考核点,分别如下:
Q1(a) CCASE marks are available for demonstrating analytical and evaluation skills relating to DCS Company’s environment and performance.
Q1(b) CCASE marks are available for demonstrating scepticism and analytical skills in identifying key weaknesses from the information given.
Q1(c) CCASE marks are available for demonstrating communication skills in highlighting the key points to include in the SBLides and for clear supporting notes.
Q1(d) CCASE marks are available for demonstrating commercial acumen in identifying how DCS could benefit from the findings of the audit.
A total of 10 professional skills marks are available as indicated for Question 1.
首先要明确,考官对考题中professional skills分值的设定逻辑,是marker在批改你的卷子时给分的依据,也是考生得分的“**”。所以,弄明白考官的professional skills分值设定逻辑很重要,只有这样,考生在答题时才能“投其所好、各个击破”稳稳当当的拿到**的professional skills分数。
考官在Q1最后通过句子“A total of 10 professional skills marks are available as indicated for Question 1”明确了Q1整个题目professional skills的分值为10分。但是,考官不会详细列出Q1中每个小问的professional skills分值。这对考生拿到Q1所有10分的professional skills分数是不利的。因为,marker在批卷时,是针对考生每小题的表现给出professional skills得分的,所以,只有知道每个小题的professional skills分值,考生才能在答题时“有的放矢”。
根据我们对新科目SBL的两套样卷的研究发现,每道小题中professional skills marks -CCASE中提到的每个核心技能点,分值基本为2分,除了Analysis和evaluation这两个技能点的Q1(a)为4分,我们由此判断analysis和evaluation这两个技能在professional skills评分中的重要性比较大,提醒考生加强练习。
【考题中professional skills分值的设定逻辑】

CCASE capabilities
分值 Specific professional skill
1.Communication 2分 1. Inform
2. Persuade
3. Clarify
2.Commercial acumen 2分 1. Demonstrate awareness
2. Use judgment
3. Show insight
3. Analysis
2-4分 1. Investigate
2. Enquire
3. Reflect
4. Scepticism 2分 1. Probe
2. Question
3. Challenge
5. Evaluation 2分 1. Assess
2. Estimate
3. Appraise 
表1:professional skills 在考题中出现的分值
以Q1为例,对照表1查找professional skills分值,Q1中Professional skills marks的技能考核点的分值大致可估算为:Q1(a) Analytical和evaluation(4分) ; Q1(b)Scepticism和analytical(2分); Q1(c) communication(2分); Q1(d)commercial acumen(2分).
Marker 会用Likert scaling(李克特量表)给考生的CCASE打分。还是以Q1为例,根据考生在答题中提现的专业技能,评分标准如表2:
How well has the candidate demonstrated professional skills as follows Not at all Not so well Quite well Very well
Q1(a) Professional skills marks are available for demonstrating analytical and evaluation skills relating to DCS Company’s environment and performance.  0 1.5 2.5 4
Q1(b) Professional skills marks are available for demonstrating scepticism and analytical skills in identifying key weaknesses from the information given. 0 0.5 1 2
Q1(c) Professional skills marks are available for demonstrating communication skills in highlighting the key points to include in the SBLides and for clear supporting notes. 0 1 1.5 2
Q1(d) Professional skills marks are available for demonstrating commercial acumen in identifying how DCS could benefit from the findings of the audit. 0 0.5 1 2
表2:Professional skills考生答案评分标准
如果一个考生Q1的各题Professional skills marks答题情况为Q1(a) quite well, Q1(b)very well, Q1(c)not so well, Q1(d) quite well, 则marker会根据表2给出该考生的CCASE分数为Q1(a) 2.5分, Q1(b)2分, Q1(c)1分, Q1(d) 1分,共计CCASE得分为6.5分。
Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.!
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