话说总有那么几道题是来虐我们的智商,聪明机智的你们遇见了也难以下手,因此高顿ACCA为大家推出难题讲解系列,带领大家剖析难题,逐一分析选项,附上tips 小技巧,从此迎难而上,绝地逆袭哦~小编再送一个考试资料包,可以分享给小伙伴,自提,戳:ACCA资料【新手指南】+内部讲义+解析音频
♫ Question 1:
Darragh has been appointed to the management team of a professional football club. His role includes coaching, mentoring and counselling young players who have just signed contracts with the club for the first time. The following are his main activities:
1 .Helping the young players to settle in during their first week
2 .Identifying each player's key skills and encouraging them to develop new skills
3 .Advising the players on addressing personal issues, such as managing their finances
4 .Helping the players to anticipate opponents' reactions
Which of the following matches the correct role to carry out in each of the four activities?
A 1. Mentor 2. Counsellor 3. Coach 4. Counsellor
B 1. Mentor 2. Coach 3. Counsellor 4. Coach
C 1. Mentor 2. Coach 3. Counsellor 4. Mentor
D 1. Counsellor 2. Mentor 3. Coach 4. Counsellor
♪ 解析:
这道题的考点是关于Coach、Mentor 和Counsellor三个角色的划分,它们3个各自的特征教材上已经写得很详细(见 personal effectiveness and communication 章节),这道题另一障碍就是我们不理解题中的句子,现在我们逐一看下:
1. 帮助年轻的球员在第一周内安顿下来,mentor 特征中有一点叫做 wider range of functions, 而帮助员工在新工作中解决 administrative problems 正是 career functions 之一,有童鞋抗议说,书上明明说 Mentoring 是long-term的,可是安顿是短期的啊,试想,你刚参加工作的时候,如果是公司的相关人员安排你住宿,你日后住宿有问题是找谁、当然还找那个人,所以和长期并不矛盾。
2. 识别每个球员的关键技巧,并鼓励他们发展新的技巧,大家可能会被development 这个词迷惑,但是这句话想强调的明显是技巧,什么技巧,自然是踢球的技巧,一个球队一起踢球,肯定要知道大家各自的技能来分工,因此这是当前工作相关的,是coach。
3. 为球员提供解决个人问题的建议,比如理财,这个指向性就很强了,counsellor 本身就是有目的性去解决问题、解决疑惑的。
4. 帮助球员预测对手的反映,这句话一听就是球场厮杀,是踢球的技巧之一,自然是 coach。
这种题虽然看上去就长得很难,但其实反而好做, 即使这4个我不全会,能会一两个也不是做不对,就拿此题来说,最明显的就是第4个,而我们会惊喜的发现只要第4个能选对,就锁定了正确答案,所以考试时千万不可自暴自弃,最后索性随便选,要把我们会的最大化的发挥作用~